What happens in your brain while you dream?
For centuries, people have been fascinated by this term, dream. Wait for a second, is it actually a thing, phenomenon, feeling, or just nothing! Even still we don't know everything about it. But, what is this weird stage that we pass while we sleep? Does it have a head or tail, or is it completely meaningless! That does not make sense, right? The textbook definition which describes dream the best is it's is a succession of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations that usually occur involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep. [1] Though the meaning and purpose of dreams are still subject to significant debate . To understand this better, we must have a clear idea about the sleep cycle . Every time we sleep, we pass through several stages of this sleep cycle. At first, our body stays awake, just like while you relax after studying for a long duration. Now, slowly, we start to lose sense. There are 4 normal stages of sleep while this exact thing happens. In thes...