Effects of oversleeping

We all love to sleep! 🥱 And it's a portion of our lives also! But, just like confidence, excessive sleep may not be desirable for you. As we all know, sleep gives us freshness, a good morning, but what this oversleep can cause? Let's unravel them!

What's a good sleep time?

Firstly, we should know the difference between sleep and oversleep. And for that, let's first know what's a good sleep time. Here's some info from National Sleep Foundation

Expert recommended sleep durations (including naps):

For a newborn baby: 14-17 hours (shouldn't be <11 or >19)
For an infant: 12-15 hours (shouldn't be <10 or >18)
For a toddler: 11-14 hours
For a preschooler: 10-13 hours
For a school-aged (6-13 years) child: 9-11 hours
For a teen: 8-10 hours
For a young adult: 7-9 hours
For an adult: 7-9 hours

For detailed instructions, kindly refer to NSF.

What causes oversleeping?

Oversleepiness can be due to many factors, including diabetes & heart diseases, laziness, and so on. Depression & anxiety is also associated with it. Hypersomnia, which refers to either excessive daytime sleepiness or excessive time spent sleeping, is a condition in which a person has trouble staying awake during the day. It may also cause oversleeping of a person. Alcohol & some medications may also cause oversleeping.

Effects of oversleeping:

  • Sleeping over a long time period may increase the weight of a person. One recent study showed that people who slept for nine or 10 hours every night were 21% more likely to become obese over a six-year period than were people who slept between seven and eight hours. Low sleeping can cause it also.
  • Sleeping for a long time may cause headaches followed by anxiety & depression. Especially, in case of the persons who are prone to headaches, oversleeping may be harmful.
  • Some studies found that oversleeping may causes heart diseases also.
Don't worry about what you did in past, but now control your sleep. Have a good night! 🌉

By the way, if you haven't checked out my previous post on sleep, check it out now by clicking here or go to the top of this page.


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